Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Saturday Night

Saturday was my first night back at work after 48 days of vacation. I didn't want to tell you so early what I do for a living because I wanted it to be some sort of revealing surprise.  However now I know you are wondering "Wow what does she do to be off for 48 days on vacation? " And just so you know, I'm pushing hard trying to make those 48 days turn into 60 days next year.  

Yes it may seem like a long time off, but superheros need time off to rejuvenate and build themselves back up.  When you're a superhero you easily get drained and lose power.  I don't wear a traditional cape.  My "cape" I wear on my head while my body adorns dark blue pants and shirt with a proud patch I wear on the left shoulder.   The motto I stand by is "The mission starts here"

When I started this job over 13 years ago, when people would ask what I did for a living I would simply say "oh I just answer phones."  As time went on I think a reality hit me that my job was not "just answering phones" and instead I would stand with pride and say "I am a lifesaver!"  It took another few years to realize and agree, I'm more than a lifesaver, I'm a superhero.  When you get into a routine it just seems like the normal thing to do.   Routines often let you lose sight of things like taking care of yourself in many ways.  Once you acknowledge your superhero status you fight to save everyone unknowingly.  You just find yourself always helping whether you're asked or not.  When your family and friends show need you just show up and help.   A superhero never expects the same in return, they just save the people.

Before I became fortunate enough to be paid to do this awesome job, I have always been put in situations to be trained to wear my head piece of power.  At a young age I have seen and heard things many adults have yet to deal with. However instead of being bitter about it I think of it as the training I needed for my life now.  All of it was just to prepare me to be a superhero.  

Day one post vacay... Operator 43, what is your emergency?   

"Oh my God! I'm like next to the gas station and I smell gas! Lots of it!" 
"I'm sorry ma'am did you say you're at the gas station and you smell gas? 
"Yes! hurry and get someone here now!" 
"Ma'am are you smelling natural gas?" 
"No! Like the gas you put in your car"  


And if you're actually wondering...yes there was a smell of gas at the gas station, it was ummm welllll yeah, gasoline.  Yes at the gas station.  

No special superhero headpiece needed tonight.  

Next caller please.  


  1. Ahhh! I love this! And I love you! Of course you're a life-saving superhero! 😁🤗💛 Silly caller! Seriously?🤣

    1. Thank you Grace! The silly callers sometimes keep me going. Makes the shift a little easier. Check out a few of my other posts. :-) Thank you again for reading!

  2. Yesssss Cousin you are a very important person. I love my superhero and you do a great job. Amazing sweetheart with the calming angel voice...... great story

    1. Thank you Cousin! Appreciate the support. I love you too! Check out some of my other posts. :-)

  3. Nice I was wondering how long you was on vacay for.. I thought you retired

    1. Ha ha ha I need another 15 years before retirement. Thank you for reading. Fell free to share and check out some of my other posts. :-)

  4. Wow! I like this. It was a good read and fun at the same time. You're really a true superhero. Need to read more of this. Nice piece dear.

    1. Thank you so much for reading and supporting. More to come! :-)

  5. It’s amazing what you do and the different emotional feelings you endure to have peace within.

  6. You're right! This is a great post. I love how you build up to what your job is. Looking forward to reading more.

    Sara Jane Kehler

    1. Thank you Sara! The intention was to keep it light with a little humor and all truth. My job brings humor, sadness and even anger at times. I want to share it all with you. Thanks again for reading.

  7. How dare you disrespect yourself by saying you JUST answer phones!! Lol

    1. Thank you Jai! I try to give myself a little more props. More stories to come! :-)

  8. This is a good read... I love it. Thanks for always being there to help :)
