Friday, November 15, 2019

It's Only Barb

"Only Barb"...that is always said with such affection, and laughter.  Many who know me have said those two words more than once in life.  From the days of childhood to my current adulthood, I find myself in situations sometimes sticky and precarious or heartfelt and funny.  But many times the circumstance warrants "only Barb" as the only sensible answer.

As anyone grows up they eventually "find" themselves.  The idea of finding yourself can be interpreted in many ways. It can be completing a challenge from a bucket list, figuring out your calling or walking away from something you did not realize that was making you miserable.

Now after living all these years I am for certain about two things.  I have a desire to help, and I am a great storyteller.  The desire to help people, I figured that out all myself at a young age, but the storytelling part it took some time and convincing.  I tell a story almost everyday of my life.  Most sit on the edge of their seat waiting for the climax and ending.  Some will try to scurry me through it.  But no matter how urgently they are waiting for the climax and end, it won't happen, I keep telling the story with the same enthusiasm and detail as I told it that same day to someone else.

After continuously hearing "wow Barb tell me another story" I actually started to think I had a gift for storytelling.  It wasn't until one day my bestie's boyfriend said "Barb your stories are sometimes unbelievable but I have to believe your stories because there is no way you can make them up."It was at that point I started to think about the quirky situations I would find myself in and how they easily entertained others.  It still took some convincing for me to think I had a gift with the delivery of all of this but I knew people would always ask for more but it was still puzzling to me as how they would enjoy my life. These are the stories of my life. I'm not making up these stories, I just live it and share it.

When I finally gained courage and self belief I picked up my laptop and wrote a book about my life. Let me let you know now, my life story will take you from sunny days to dreary, dark, cold and thunderous storms at times.  But for now, there will not be any roller coasters of emotions.  Right now I want to introduce you to my bright, funny and quirky stories.  I'm looking forward to you saying "Only Barb"


  1. I have lik no stories lol my life is boring asf

  2. Jai,
    Puuuuulease! Couple of weeks ago you had this memory with a friend on a trip and I was thinking ohhhhh man I wanna know the back story to this. ha ha
